TrainSim. Microsoft Train Simulator. MSTS. Дополнения для MSTS.
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  MSTS Mapper

Program MSTS Mapper

V 1.5.2

Mapper program is designed to view the map MSTS route and save it as a graphic file (with the extension png).

After opening the database path route (. Tdb) you can save it in a format Mapper (. Tdbx)Loading route, you can make opening the file. Tdbx, while downloading is much faster than opening. Tdb

Provided for selectively displaying the travel route facilities and ancillary elements of the card.There is a color adjustment elements of the card, as well as the size of the coefficients of station names, signs and kilometer slope.


Галета Антон (Net)

Added: Sep 24, 2013 4:09:52 PM
Size: 1.7 Mb
Downloaded: 10916 times

Kostian   Sep 23, 2013 7:51:21 PM
Очень хорошо. Раньше часто для подобных целей запускал Редактор Сценариев, теперь это делается проще и быстрее.

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