TrainSim. Microsoft Train Simulator. MSTS. Дополнения для MSTS.
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 MS Train Simulator

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  MSTS AdvancedRun
The program is designed to MSTS AdvancedRun operational management of MS Train Simulator game and combine some of the tools, in order to improve the convenience of working with them. In subsequent versions of the program is planned to significantly expand its possible, make it a single place of game and the necessary utilities.

In this version implemented the following functions:
- Starting a game
- Starting a game different modes (window, without collapse, the regime control of time ...)
- Run editors
- Changing the type of cabin options (day / night) locomotives series: TEP70, CHS2, CHS7, VL10, VL80t, 2TE10L, 2TE116 and 2M62U (still only for locomotives and cabins from the site
- Choosing the path of transparency monitor (a standard, transparent and translucent) - Help signalling used on the railways Russian Federation (ISI) (Help file included with the package)
- Creating and editing convoys using ConBuilder. (program is not included in the kit, item creation of trains will appear automatically in the root directory if you place your game ConBuilder.exe)
- Registration game files (.con .cvf .eng .sms .wag .srv .trf). Now, double clicks, they open in Notepad
- The \"load\" - go in your boot additions site (as well as a visit to the main page of this site)
- Fix package script files (.apk)
- Russification utilities tsunpack
- Russification utilities MakeACEWin1024
- Russification utilities ROUTE GEOGRAPHY CREATOR

Authors: Константин Краснов (RedMan)
Фотоматериал: Бекиров Игорь (NFive)
ИСИ: Министерство путей сообщения Российской Федерации (c) 2000
Added: Dec 31, 2007 12:50:20 PM
Size: 6.4Мб
Downloaded: 28348 times

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